Parenting Archives - Your Lovey Dovey Fri, 17 Jun 2022 18:57:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Parenting Archives - Your Lovey Dovey 32 32 How To Be Masculine In A Relationship Fri, 17 Jun 2022 18:47:10 +0000 What is masculine energy? As a guy, the question of what ‘man’ means to me is not a new one. I’ve been asked this question a lot of times, and I’ll try to explain what it means to me and what I think it means for guys everywhere. The good news is that I think …

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What is masculine energy?

As a guy, the question of what ‘man’ means to me is not a new one. I’ve been asked this question a lot of times, and I’ll try to explain what it means to me and what I think it means for guys everywhere.

The good news is that I think most people are pretty much on the same page as where I’m coming from, so we can use this conversation as a jumping off point for deeper discussion.

The first thing people will probably notice about my definition is that it’s not very traditional. In other words, it’s not a gender-specific term or anything like that. It’s not about being male-ish or female-ish (though there is overlap between the two). It’s about having masculine energy in your life, whether you are male or female, straight or bi-, queer or genderqueer…and in any combination thereof.

I’m going to start by defining masculine energy:

1) Masculine Energy—This refers to how your energy feels when you’re doing something with an intention and focus; when you’re motivated by goals, plans and drive; when you want to feel like you’re making real progress towards achieving something significant. This kind of energy feels different than the more traditionally feminine ‘energy’ that comes from feeling happy — which happens equally often in both genders — and other feelings like excitement (which happens more often in men than women).

2) Masculine Energy—This refers to how your energy feels when you aren’t doing anything with an intention/focus/motivation; when you are just generally feeling good — no goals, plans or drive behind it — or other feelings like relaxation (which happens more frequently in women than men). This isn’t necessarily about being feminine either because there are many things that most people experience as feminine (i.e., feeling excited) that can also be experienced as masculine (i.e., feeling relaxed).

3) Masculine Energy—This refers to how your energy feels when someone else does something for you; when someone else shows up for you at work without asking; when someone else asks if they can do something for you without asking; etc… This type of energy is often associated with romantic relationships but it doesn’t have anything to do with ones who are dating each other (or even those who aren’t dating each other yet). It’s also not limited to romantic relationships though. Allies/partners/friends can still contribute masculine

How to be masculine in a relationship.

When you’re in a relationship, you will find that your romantic partner is also masculine and feminine. But there is a time to be masculine and a time to be feminine. This can vary from one person (or one relationship) to the next.

The problem is that the timing of this is all too often out of your control. The best way to have the most fun in relationships, then, is to find out when it’s appropriate for you to be masculine and when it’s not.

That’s where communication comes into play: in each other’s lives, we need to be able to know what our partners want or need — and then let them know what they want or need so that we don’t have conflict or misunderstanding.

The benefits of being masculine in a relationship.

Masculinity has been well-defined in psychological research as the part of you that’s focused more on action than on being. It’s about doing rather than about being. This can make it hard to be masculine in a relationship. If you’re in a relationship where one partner is aggressive, assertive, and goal-directed, then this makes the other person less so. For example, if your partner is the type who tries to take over every conversation (rather than talking at a conversational pace) and you’re the type who responds to what they say with a response (rather than letting them take control), then it may feel like you have to be aggressive and assertive yourself to get what you want from your relationship.

But if your partner is the type who’s not aggressive and doesn’t push back or react quickly to things, then this may feel freeing — like you’re able to respond more freely because there are no expectations that you’ll be “nice” or “play fair”.

In other words, approaching masculinity in a relationship doesn’t need to be about how much aggression or assertiveness you expect from your partner from one moment to another — it can also be about how masculine their interaction style is over time: are they slow, do they talk fast? Do they become more aggressive as time goes on?

The same goes for masculinity regarding relationships with other people: if your partner isn’t friendly, slapping someone when they’re angry can seem alienating; but if their approach is friendly even as anger rises up within them, then it’s not so alienating (and maybe even helpful). This process of working through masculinity takes time — time that some people may not have.

How to overcome the challenges of being masculine in a relationship.

There are a lot of articles about “how to be masculine in a relationship”. I’ve written about it in the past, but I thought it best to write another post on this topic because – well – we’re talking about dating here.

If you have ever been in a relationship (and if you haven’t, please do so before reading any further), you probably know that there is a lot of talk about being masculine and feminine. You’re told:

You can’t be feminine and masculine at the same time. It will make things confusing. More importantly, it can make things terrible. Some women are feminine and some men are masculine, and the two don’t work well together.

And people will tell you that they don’t want two men or two women in their life; they just want one man or one woman who is feminine (or even just one man or woman). These statements may be true for some people (once upon a time I was told “all men are like this” – which was completely untrue), but if you’re in an open relationship then chances are your day-to-day interactions with your partner will be defined by who she wants to see/do more of/who she doesn’t want to see/do less of. And unless you have some very specific ideas about what kinds of behaviour from your partner you would like to see more of/less of, chances are there won’t be anything we can do about whether your partners prefer the “masculine” side or not!

These ideas around being “masculine” carry over into social situations as well: try saying something like “I’m not interested in sex as much as I think we could have fun doing it together” when someone is interested in having sex with you (and when they say they aren’t interested, think again!) – they might get defensive!

But let’s take these ideas seriously for a second – because if we start applying them to politics or other areas where differing opinions might matter, we risk losing the whole point. Instead try this: Be bolder than those who expect both sides of your personality to work together, and go for what gives you joy – even if it means being vulnerable for the first time ever! If something doesn’t feel right…well then move on – there is no shame in moving on from someone who isn’t doing well enough for us…just don

The importance of masculine energy in relationships.

I’ve been in relationships where one of the partners was feminine and the other was masculine, and it’s always interesting to see how the relationship changes when one partner becomes more masculine. For example, I remember being in a relationship with someone who was very masculine in a lot of ways and whose primary goal was to get into my pants. We were best friends, we loved each other deeply, and we were both really strong people. So it’s not just that he was more masculine than me — it was that he wanted to be more masculine than me. He wanted to be a man; he wanted to be tall and handsome; he wanted to be sexually active and sexually attracted to women (he didn’t want me — but I did).

In contrast, I remember someone who wasn’t very masculine at all: he didn’t care about sex or getting into my pants; instead his goal was just to get along with me, share intimate details of his life, talk about things that interested us both, etc. He wasn’t interested in being taller or more athletic or having more sexual experiences — he just wanted me to like him. And I remember thinking that doing that meant becoming less feminine than myself so that I could be attracted to him.

The most important thing I’ve learned from those experiences is:

• It’s not the gender of the person, but their goals and desires in life which matter most.

• People are stronger-willed when they have their own goals for their lives; when they have goals for themselves — not for others!

I hope no one ever feels as if they need to convince you of this! 🙂

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How To Use Feminine Power To Influence A Man Fri, 17 Jun 2022 18:42:01 +0000 What is feminine power and how can it be used to influence a man? When it comes to attracting men, a lot of people think that if they just talk about how hot and desirable they are, that will be enough. However, this is not the case. Many women find it hard to get men …

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What is feminine power and how can it be used to influence a man?

When it comes to attracting men, a lot of people think that if they just talk about how hot and desirable they are, that will be enough. However, this is not the case. Many women find it hard to get men to pursue them for a variety of reasons, so I thought I would share the most common ones with you.

The first topic is “Feminine Power” – what it is, why it matters and how to use it. The second topic is “How To Attract A Man – How To Get Him To Do What You Want” – how can you tell when a man is interested in a woman? And the third topic is “Attractive Women – How To Get Them To Pursue You” – how can you use feminine power to get men to pursue you?

Without further ado here are my top 5 tips for attracting a man:

1. Be Attractive: Don’t be afraid of being sexy! You know what kind of guy you want to attract; however, if you aren’t looking hot enough or if your clothes are wrong (for example if your shirt isn’t tailored well or if your hair isn’t styled well), then the chances of getting him to pursue you will be pretty slim. Unless this guy doesn’t like fat guys (obviously).

2. Speak flirty language: The same logic applies here: only flirty words will work! Let’s say we wanted to attract a heavy-set guy who likes skinny girls or one who likes brunettes but doesn’t like redheads (to avoid getting scammed by guys who pretend they like brunettes). By saying “Honey I’m so glad that you came”, he’ll know that we’re interested in him and he’ll be excited by this because he knows we’re not interested in him as a person (we don’t want his money; we want his body). If on the other hand we say “Wow, look at how thin and toned you are” then he may assume that because he looks better than us that we’re attracted to him as an individual (which isn’t true). So don’t be afraid to make comments which show personality and make him feel excited, comfortable and like something special has been achieved with your compliment.

3. Study the way men interact with women: Studies have shown that men have three main strategies when dealing with women – attraction, relationship bonding/friendship and commitment/commitment bonding/friend

The importance of energy in attraction.

(1) What is feminine power?

Feminine power is the energy that women possess, in particular, for attracting men. It is a combination of confidence and attraction. In this article, we’re going to discuss the basics of how to use feminine power in order to win a man’s heart and love. After reading this article, your life will be easier!

(2) What are the steps to use feminine power?

All you have to do is follow these steps:

1. Find a man who loves you from his heart!

2. Use feminine energy towards him.

3. Listen to his inner voice!

4. Follow the steps above with him until he likes you for yourself! (If he doesn’t like you for yourself yet, then what’s the problem.) Then choose a man who does like you for yourself! (But don’t get discouraged if he doesn’t love you yet!)

In this article we will show how it works and how easy it is to do it because we are both women and women are inherently more powerful than men . . . even if they don’t admit it sometimes. So make sure that when you read this article, that your mind is clear and so is your heart because this will be a dirty job but someone has got to do it! The world needs more women who love their partners as much as they do them! If you have any questions or comments about this, please feel free to leave one in the comments below or contact us on our Facebook page: We highly appreciate all feedback and constructive criticism of our articles or blog posts about topics such as: 1) Productivity 2) Product Marketing 3) Marketing 4) Business 5) Life 6) Feminine Power At e-Knight Entertainment We hope that our readership will benefit from our work at e-Knight Entertainment . If you liked what we wrote, please consider helping us by sharing our work on social media using the links below: Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Email Site Visits 0 0

How to use your feminine energy to attract a high-quality man.

“Women have power that is different from men’s power, the power to make men desire her. Women can make a man want to do things he wouldn’t ordinarily want to do. But I am not saying that women have power over a man’s mind. Women can’t make a man fall in love with them or make him become an infatuated lover. That is because men don’t want to be slaves, and women don’t want to be slaves of men. Men must be free in their relationships with other women and they must love themselves enough to do the same for other women.

Men are the masters of their own minds, and it is up to them to decide what kind of relationship they will have with other women, what kind of woman they will be with, whether they will treat her badly or well and how much affection they will lavish on her.

In contrast, women are slaves of men: slaves of their own desires, slaves of their own whims and fantasies and slaves of their own feelings and needs as well as those of other people around them.

Women must realize that men are not at all helpless in these matters just because women are weaker than men physically, mentally or emotionally. As strong as a woman may be intellectually… if she falls in love with someone who is not exactly like herself… she has only herself to blame!

So, if you want a man you can control… you must use feminine power!

I wish I could tell you how it works… but I can’t! Men who use feminine power when seeking romance are most likely going to find it very difficult – even impossible – for him to resist your charms! And if he does resist your charms… then he probably has lots more trouble resisting the seductive powers that go along with femininity itself! That is my advice: use feminine power whenever you can when seeking romance; use masculine power whenever possible when you want his support while getting out there on the dating market; get some help from friends before trying these techniques on your own if necessary; remember that no one knows more about this stuff than YOURSELF!

Find something sexy about yourself that draws him in: If he catches sight of your thighs for example, then find something about you that makes him think “I wish I had such long legs as yours were made out of!” If it sounds too ridiculous or obvious, then ask yourself

The difference between masculine and feminine energy.

If you’re a successful woman and would like to see an amazing man pursue you, then this article is for you! The most important thing for men to understand about women is that if they want something from us, we have the power to say “no”, but only if we choose. This gives us the power to determine what happens to us, how we are treated, and how much control we have. And it gives us the power to decide what will happen to them when they make a request of us.

Certain things are so easy in this world that we tend to not think about them at all. But it’s very simple — if you want something from someone, ask them first. If they say no, give them a reason why they said no (even if it’s just that they were busy). If they say yes and it goes well, then feel free to take advantage of their generosity!

The benefits of using your feminine power.

Often, when someone looks at a beautiful woman in a bikini, they will look at the woman’s body and then say something like: “Wow, that woman has a great body.”

The fact is that this usually isn’t the first thing they say. They will usually say something like: “I’d love to have that body!” or “I wish I was as good-looking as you are.” The woman who says what she does is called a feminist. She knows that a man should love her for her looks not for her sexiness and she thinks that he can do better than just want to look at her.

This article is about how women can use their feminine power to influence men and make them chase them!

Women have a powerful ability to influence men through their looks. But it isn’t just your average woman who can influence men, you need to learn how to use your feminine power correctly so you can get more men interested in you and get more of them chasing you!

In this article we will take an example of one of my own clients (a lady named Jennifer) who previously had no interest in pursuing relationships with men because she didn’t consider herself attractive enough. We will show you how she could start getting more men interested in her and finally get one man pursuing her herself!

In this article we will talk about:

• What makes women attractive? How does it work?

• What kind of consciously positive messages does your subconscious mind send when women speak?

• How does your subconscious mind know what kind of messages are actually important? (What are the big things?)

• How do you use feminine power to change what your subconscious mind thinks? (How do you make yourself feel attractive?)  We also go into some additional tips on writing positive subconscious messages so they stick as much as possible! And we give some tips on how to write positive messages specifically for social media… Because social media works much differently than other methods!  Be sure to check out the video for these tips too!  If you would like examples or strategies from other people’s success stories, check out our Facebook page , which has examples from many successful clients from our personal experience – I am Jennifer . If there’s anything I missed or want clarification on, please let me know 🙂 Thanks so much for reading – hope it was helpful 🙂

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What Is Submission In A Relationship Fri, 17 Jun 2022 18:35:39 +0000 What is submission in a relationship? A relationship is a set of interdependent factors that are mutually shaping and mutually influencing each other. The factors are defined by the people in a relationship. They can be physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, or sexual and they can also be non-physical but still significantly impacting each other. What …

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What is submission in a relationship?

A relationship is a set of interdependent factors that are mutually shaping and mutually influencing each other. The factors are defined by the people in a relationship. They can be physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, or sexual and they can also be non-physical but still significantly impacting each other.

What is submission in a relationship? Suppose you are newly engaged (or about to get engaged). When you enter into a relationship with someone it’s not just about sexual intercourse for you; it’s about making them feel comfortable enough so that they feel comfortable enough to open up their hearts and reveal their deepest wishes…but before that happens…they need you first! This will give them time enough both physically or emotionally so that they can show you how they feel towards you (and vice versa). With this post I want to share some tips on how we can help ourselves get closer in relationships – because we want them too!

What submission is: an act of mutual and voluntary consideration

The idea behind submission is that we value another life more than ourselves, and when we submit ourselves we are showing that we are not only willing to give them consideration — but also putting them first. We don’t necessarily need their approval or their approval for ourselves, though.

How submission enriches relationships: by making them less self-centered

We are submissive to influence and loyalty. We feel secure when we can rely on our partners for support, trust and understanding. We value their opinions more than our own and often defer to them in matters of personal importance.

For many people, submission is the only way they can interact with others without being subject to undue influence or control. Submission is not a weakness; it is an asset that forms the foundation of relationships.

And most importantly, submission allows us to be open, vulnerable, and authentic. It allows us to be vulnerable enough to allow another person’s needs impact our own needs in ways that are meaningful and long-lasting (e.g., allowing someone else’s anger to guide our own emotions).

The benefits of submission: allows us to be strong enough to open our hearts to others

In a relationship, submission is an act that is expressed mutually and voluntarily. Being submissive helps us to be less self-centered and allows us to consider the desires of others. Submission has nothing to do with being weak, but allows us to be strong enough to open our hearts to others.

The benefits of submission are pretty amazing: it allows you, as a human, true freedom and intimacy with your partner while simultaneously opening your heart in a way that no other relationship practice can accomplish. Through the practice of submission you will experience more empathy for yourself, for your partner and for those around you — allowing you the freedom and intimacy necessary for true happiness in relationships.

Submission is a key ingredient to a strong and healthy relationship.

Submissive people are more likely to:

• Have more relationships with family and friends

• Be the first to answer the phone and open doors for strangers

• Give freely of their time and energy to others

• Communicate more openly with others

Submissive people also don’t:

• Have a jealous streak, even if they think they don’t have one.

• Have an interest in being the center of attention. They will always be quietly present when needed.

Think about the reasons that you are submissive or not. Many people would say that they are “obedient” or “frail”. But what do these labels really mean? Are they really true? You can’t be “frail” and “obedient” at the same time, can you? You can only be one or the other. I think it is safe to say that most people are somewhere in between these extremes, but neither of them is truly submissive nor domineering (unless you consider submission to be a form of domination). So…what does this mean for your relationship? Well, it means that you need to choose between being domineering or submissive depending on whether your partner sees themselves as a dominant person. In order to get where you want to go, if you want your relationship to progress from dominance/submission (which is a mutual decision) then you need your partner to feel like they have complete control over their own actions and decisions (as opposed to being dominated). However…if your partner is someone who sees themselves as a domineering person, then there is no point in trying to change them by having them submit without changing yourself first! This doesn’t mean that you can never both be dominant and submissive at once because there are many different ways for couples around the world (and even within couples) of being both — one person will naturally want more domination than another person wants submission; but ultimately it all comes down to how each partner feels about their role in their relationship (and what roles each partner prefers). If either of you has reached an impasse where neither party feels like there is anything left for them out of respect for each other, then both parties should move on — try something else! Because if either party thinks that their other half needs submission in order for them feel safe enough in this relationship, then this isn

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How To Be A Goddess To A Man Fri, 17 Jun 2022 18:29:06 +0000 What it means to be a goddess today. This is by far the most important advice I have to offer on being a goddess to a man. In my experience, men are often very self-centered, and rarely consider what they may be missing out on if they don’t engage with the feminine. I’ve seen it …

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What it means to be a goddess today.

This is by far the most important advice I have to offer on being a goddess to a man. In my experience, men are often very self-centered, and rarely consider what they may be missing out on if they don’t engage with the feminine. I’ve seen it all too often: men talking about how they “don’t get” the feminine side of themselves, only focusing on the masculine side.

Now, I have been accused of this myself in some circles. I am often asked for female empowerment, and my answer has always been: “You can be empowered as you are”. The key is to work from inside yourself and from your own self-awareness, not someone else’s perception of who you want to be.

But what about the “what ifs?” What if women didn’t feel like they needed to wear makeup in order to appear attractive? What if there were no rules on how women should dress or behave? What if there were no laws prohibiting women from making money independently? What if women had more freedom than men did? There are many things that would change our lives and that we could do with additional freedom (and it would certainly be a lot cheaper!).

The above is just one example of what being a goddess to a man might look like. As with any information offered here, you should make up your own mind about whether it fits your personal values and needs; but please take this advice seriously — it is very important for you as an individual to know where you stand when it comes to gender equality in society today.

Finding inner peace.

There are a few ways to be a goddess in your life. You can opt for the more traditional route: being an amazing wife and mother, raising your kids with as much love and attention as you give yourself, and keeping up with the latest fashion. Or, you can be a goddess at work — leading a team that’s completely on your terms, getting things done at a breakneck pace, and building long-lasting relationships with everyone you encounter.

You don’t have to settle for one or the other — it’s all about playing both sides of the game at once. Whether you are a self-employed writer who is still living at home, or a professional who works from home most of the time, there are several ways to be a goddess in your life.

Empowering the feminine self.

There’s plenty of advice that’s all over the internet, even in the comments sections of articles. The common theme here is that a man should do the following:

• Women should be praised for what they do (especially for those things that women should do)

• Men should praise women for their accomplishments (so as to balance out the patriarchy)

• Men should be generous with praise (since it makes women feel good and confident)

I thought I would provide a little context on this point, since I’ve seen it pop up in discussions and responses to this post. It may be useful to have a general framework for thinking about how we can improve our relationship with men and not just with women:

A man is something like a pixel in a picture of a woman. A woman is something like an image on the screen of any computer. A woman has her own unique features (like her own face), her own distinct features, her own unique personality and so on. A man has his own unique features (like his face), his own distinct features, his own unique personality . . . . [The three important things are] 1) he’s unique; 2) he has his own uniqueness; 3) he’s different from other people.

These are just some of the ways we can think about men: We need to recognize their uniqueness, appreciate them as an individual, challenge them as individuals when necessary, encourage them as individuals when necessary, respect and celebrate their individuality, acknowledge their differences instead of disregarding them (because they are different), support their individuality instead of undermining it and so on.

If you want to know more about being a man or being a good man or being more feminine or being more successful or doing more cool stuff with your life or all these things I’m going to say at this point will make you feel bad about yourself, please get some counseling first.

One thing that tips me off when people talk about how they are “not feminist” is if it involves “gender equality” or “men/women equality” then that’s not going to happen because men have power too! Women would benefit from having power too because there’s tons of other ways we can achieve our goals besides getting rid of men entirely!

Also please note that I’m not saying one gender is better than another but simply pointing out what happens when we simplify things by focusing

Being a role model for other women.

As the old saying goes, “you are what you eat.” The same holds true for business:

If you want to be anything, you must first be yourself.

Being a source of strength and support.

There is an old, old saying that goes “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.” This is really a personal thing: it means to follow your gut and be true to yourself.

A lot of people will say they are beautiful, but they are not. They are not as good looking, or as charming as they think they should be. Their appearance has been manipulated to make them look great. They may have even “messed up” their appearance by making themselves seem more attractive than they are (and this is obviously a bad idea).

If you don’t like how you look and how you feel on a daily basis, then you may want to consider altering the way you look and how you feel in order to be more attractive. This is another way of saying “follow your instincts” – do things that make you feel better about yourself rather than just being impressed with others (this can also be applied to relationships too).

Why being a goddess is important in today’s world.

To be a goddess, you need to have confidence in your ability to be a good person and take care of those around you. You also need to be self-sufficient, confident in yourself, and able to accept responsibility. You need to have ambition, but not too much ambition. You have to have compassion for others without sacrificing your own desires or needs. You need humility, but with confidence and authenticity.

The above is a little bit of a departure from the traditional idea that being a goddess requires total surrender, complete dedication to others, and the sacrifice of everything for others (which is what I love about the concept).

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What Does It Mean When A Girl Pays For You Fri, 17 Jun 2022 18:21:20 +0000 What does it mean when a girl pays for you? Your first question is “how much?”. Her second question is, “how often?”. These are the two most important questions in a dating relationship. And they both have to be answered by you. If you can’t deal with both at once then she has no intention …

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What does it mean when a girl pays for you?

Your first question is “how much?”. Her second question is, “how often?”.

These are the two most important questions in a dating relationship. And they both have to be answered by you. If you can’t deal with both at once then she has no intention of pursuing the relationship further. But if you can both deal with them then things will get much more exciting and enjoyable and those initial issues may resolve themselves and they can continue exploring their potential connection in more appropriate ways.

What does it mean when a girl pays for you?

This is a tricky question to answer. In some ways, it is an obvious thing to say, as it is something that most men do. In other ways, it can be a very vague term with very complicated meanings and implications.

I’ve been asked questions like this in interviews and have found that many people are confused about what it means or what exactly the implications are for a relationship. I’ve always wondered why this was the case — should someone who spends money on you not mean something by it?

In general, the fact that someone spends money on you does not mean they love you more than you love them (this would be like saying “your boyfriend loves you more than you love him”). It does not mean that they will do anything for you (this would be like saying “your boyfriend doesn’t do anything for you except buy things for you”). The fact that someone pours money into your life does not imply that they will ever buy things for them (this would be like saying “your boyfriend buys things for him but he doesn’t buy stuff for anyone else in your life except his mother”).

Now, this isn’t to say there isn’t a case where someone will come up with something small to show their support without buying anything — it depends on how much time and effort they put into whatever gift they’re providing. But if someone comes up with something large then there’s no doubt about what the implication of their spending is: their love or affection for us.

Some people get confused about this because of the phrasing — “she” vs “he”. If someone says something like “she” then it’s easy to assume she means something by her spending; if she says “he” then we can tell we are talking about two different people. For example, if she says “he bought me a new pair of shoes today”. This sort of ambiguity calls further attention to the relationship and perhaps implies some deeper meaning beyond simple love or affection. The same goes for phrases like “she bought me an expensive gift (or made an elaborate dinner) because she cares about me and wants my happiness / wants me to be happy / wants me to be fulfilled / wants my happiness / wants my happiness / etc.”

The bottom line here is that while spending money on others usually means nothing more than what has already been established in your relationship — either verbally or through actions taken —

The rules for your dating relationship

A lot of people think that dating is a simple, casual proposition. It’s not. There are some very important things that have to be taken into consideration when you’re considering whether or not to date someone.

First up: 1. You don’t need to date someone “just because” you think they are “good looking”

This is the myth of beauty, and it can be nice if you like that kind of thing, but it should never be the primary factor in deciding whether to date someone or not (not only do you need to trust the other person enough and pay your own way, but beauty is a subjective thing). If you find someone attractive, then great! But not because they are good looking (a question I’d love to know how many people ask).

2. You need to take into account all the factors which affect your decision about whether or not to pursue a potential relationship with them (such as their income, education level and whether they have children)

3. You need to take into account all the factors which affect your decision about whether or not you will pursue a potential relationship with them (such as their age and gender)

If either of these criteria doesn’t apply — even if they apply separately — then it’s probably best just not go forward at all.

The norm for paying

The norm for paying someone is to accept. But who would you rather have a relationship with? The person who pays or the one who is not paying? And then, what if it’s not just the payment, but something else?

This is actually a great question and one that most of us have been asking ourselves. In this case, the answer is: you can’t know unless you try.

But there are also people who think that it means something different, and some even go so far as to claim that paying someone for sex is somehow different from paying someone for a date. While I am sure some people will disagree with this argument (and I am sure it will never be truer than when talking about sex), I want to make it clear that paying someone for a date does not mean anything at all. Even in more traditional relationships, there are things you cannot communicate, and if the person does not agree to those things then communication breaks down completely. So whether or not you should pay for sex depends on what you want out of your relationship, rather than what it means in terms of payment itself.

But if you’re still interested in this topic and want to put your money where your mouth is, here are some things to consider:

• Is she giving up anything by agreeing to this kind of arrangement — like her time or her space — so yes, she should be paid (much like any other form of compensation)

• If she says no do so with grace and respect , and see if she would rather have sex without having any payment required (which could be just as good)

• Is her sexual behavior part of her culture (e.g., does she often tell men no?) If so, maybe it doesn’t make sense for them to pay — even if they want/need to do so as part of their culture

• Does she now feel more comfortable asking others for money? If yes then maybe you should pay instead (who wouldn’t freely give money when asked?) And finally…  Who cares about the norm anyway? Sex isn’t a payment; it’s an experience .  Sex is free . So why should anyone care if anyone pays another person for sex?

She is treating you for something

In the absence of any other information, this may be a sign she is treating you for something or she is being treated to something. It’s hard to know what this means, but it could be anything from getting a birthday card from her or paying for you to do something. It is the latter that I’m referring to. In the US we have a law called the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) which makes it illegal for somebody to use their credit rating against you when trying to collect debt. Obviously, if she is paying off your credit card bill and doesn’t want you to pay more, then it can’t be right that she would try and call up and start begging your hand in marriage. If she pays off your credit card bill, it’s possible that she is treating you as an investment so that you will pay off her debt (it may also be that she has a property investment side) — but if not, then I think we have entered into territory where it becomes ethical behaviour for her to treat you for something: if only she was treating me like this too…


Another common question is: what does it mean when a girl pays for you?

I promise, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s a nice gesture from someone who is in a position to help you. If someone is trying to buy your time, that’s not what it means. If someone wants to buy your thoughts about something, that’s not what it means either. You should never pay for anyone else’s time or opinion on anything; especially not in the form of money.

If you are with someone who seems to be interested in talking more about the qualities of some product or service — and they ask you if they can pay you — this is probably not the right conversation even though they may be asking for something specific (like an article).

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How To Be A Homewrecker Fri, 17 Jun 2022 16:55:35 +0000 What is poaching and why is it associated with being a homewrecker? Homewrecking is the act of stealing someone’s personal information in order to use it for a malicious purpose, such as fraud, identity theft or other nefarious activities. Unfortunately, we have all encountered cases of this and we have all felt the pain of …

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What is poaching and why is it associated with being a homewrecker?

Homewrecking is the act of stealing someone’s personal information in order to use it for a malicious purpose, such as fraud, identity theft or other nefarious activities.

Unfortunately, we have all encountered cases of this and we have all felt the pain of being stolen from. It happens across the board: from our Facebook friends who are robbed of their privacy, to our bank accounts and credit cards being taken over by unscrupulous people who want them for nefarious purposes.

There are three key elements that make up a homewrecker:

(1) The idea is to steal someone else’s data (usually via hacking or scams)

(2) The idea is to use that data for malicious purposes (such as identity theft or fraud)

(3) The person who steals the data is an employee at a company – they are trying to use it fo gain an advantage in the workplace and/or maintain an advantage against competition.

A homewrecker can be anyone who takes your data but doesn’t get paid for doing so. These two distinctions may seem trivial but they are important because they allow us to be more specific about what we mean when we talk about poaching – without getting bogged down in terminology that can be very confusing – especially if you don’t know what you’re talking about. So let us look at each of these distinctions in turn:

1) stealing someone else’s data; as opposed to hacking into someone else’s data (which we will discuss further below); means *someone* other than you has your information and it is very easy for others to acquire this information with little effort (or zero effort). Here is a perfect example:  – My Facebook friends on my list share my photographs on their wall photos and one of them recently posted one I hadn’t seen before on his wall: I didn’t know it was him until later when I saw his name on the list of people he knew – so I could see where he got my photo from! And there were several others too, some which also came out of nowhere! You just need something like this -and- you do not need nefarious intent (for example, revenge or pure stupidity). This sort of thing happens all the time and it’s really easy; if you want to find out how much money anyone else might be making off your data without your knowledge then check out this

How to be a successful homewrecker.

The world of homewreckers is a strange place. In the western world, the term is typically associated with love and sexual affairs, but in China, it’s a great way to make money.

Not only that, but in a country where the average annual income is $1,000 per month (that’s more than $80,000 per year), making money off your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend is something most people do anyway.

The thing is though: there are so many different ways to make money from your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend that we’re going to look at several different angles here, which I am sure will interest you.

The consequences of being a homewrecker.

Have you ever found yourself feeling pretty tired about your relationship? Have you ever blamed yourself for the other party’s attitude or behavior towards you? Blame is a strong emotion, and it can make people do strange things. The brain doesn’t like it when we feel like we’re taking credit for something that someone else did, so it responds by making us feel bad. When our brains are in this state, we are much more likely to excuse bad behavior by others. We also tend to take credit for things that aren’t our fault (Charles Dickens called this “liking yourself so much that you are able to forgive anybody anything”).

How do you make the switch from being a homewrecker to being a homewrecker-abuser? It may seem counterintuitive, but here’s how:

– Don’t blame them! Instead of feeling bad about getting dumped and saying “You were just not good enough for me!” say instead “I would have been happy if we had stayed together!”

– Be honest about why you dumped them. If someone dumps us, the first thing the brain does is make us think they didn’t mean it (even though they likely did). So don’t try to justify your actions by saying “They just weren’t good enough for me! I knew they were good enough! They just weren’t my type. Which means I could have been really happy with somebody else…but I chose not to be with them because my type wasn’t compatible with theirs. Even though I loved what I did with them, and even though they were very nice people…they just weren’t right for me. And that’s OK because there are lots of people who are awesome and validating in their own way who aren’t suitable partners/dates/friends/best friends/partners/etc… But if a person says something like that, then be honest about why you broke up with them…and then don’t blame anyone else but yourself for having made that choice!

The above takes some time and self-reflection (but its worth it), but will do wonders for your confidence and spirit of independence; especially if you still love being cuddled in bed at night wishing someone was there beside you. This is one of those topics where only YOU can decide whether its worth doing

How to avoid being a homewrecker.

As anyone who has spent any time on a dating site can tell you, there’s nothing wrong with being a homewrecker. In fact, it’s a very attractive way to make money in the tech startup world. The main reason why this is so attractive is that it allows you to get away with pretty much anything.

In the most common case, you don’t need to be particularly creative in your approach. If you are looking for someone who will be attracted to your looks, or even if you just want someone who is good looking themselves, then this strategy works well. Then again, maybe you are more interested in being an asshole than a homewrecker (and if that’s the case, then bear in mind that some of your success with this strategy is likely due to people underestimating how successful you will be).

There are various skills required for this strategy to work. You need to look good and act like an asshole: no one wants to talk about their problems or their family when they are with other people (and even though we might think that we want people around us who are happy and healthy and well-adjusted, we also know that these aren’t necessarily our primary concerns). This may require some social skills as well as acting like someone else: pretending that “I couldn’t care less what he thinks of me as long as I know he likes me” is usually a good way of turning someone on. You need confidence too — and many people will find these qualities attractive (especially if they are not confident themselves).

But the biggest skill required here is adaptability — one of the key things when it comes to dating sites. If your objective is simply getting laid (even though there may be valid reasons for doing so), then you will likely have trouble adapting quickly enough or receiving feedback about how well it has gone when it does work out because people just aren’t interested in what other people think about them (think “You don’t know me at all! wtf? wtf? wtf? wtf? wtf? wtf?!”). But if your goal is actually interesting conversation and developing meaningful relationships with other people over time, then this strategy will work very well for those looking for long term relationships. And if this seems like something that interests you but doesn’t involve sex yet, then I guess having sex first

Conclusion: The pros and cons of being a homewrecker.

In a previous post I discussed the ‘customer segmentation’ you need to do in order to sell a product. In the last post I talked about the use of the term ‘customer’ and how it can have different meanings and implications depending on context.

A customer, by definition is an individual who will buy from you under some circumstances — and if you are selling products to individuals then you are making a product-market fit decision based on a lack of alternatives that would be better for that person.

To make this decision, all you have to do is ask them about their needs and what they want for it. And if they say something like: “I have some friends who don’t have any cars, and I’d like to get one so I don’t get to be stuck at my parents’ house all day, so I could go out with my friends.” then this is an example of a customer segmentation analysis (CSA) by itself. However, if they say something like: “I want an electric car so I can get around without having to wait at traffic lights or parking lots etc., so that I can leave my house before it starts getting dark. So I would recommend Tesla because they have electric cars with great range.” then that is an example of a product-market fit analysis (PMA) for which we should provide feedback and decide what kind of car we should make for them based on their needs (and best case scenario, their needs exactly match our needs).

So a good thing about CSA/PMA is that you can go back and forth between them easily — as long as your customers seem happy with your response for either one of them (it doesn’t matter which one), it’s not really necessary to make changes in order to meet customers’ needs across both segments every time. One more thing: when there are multiple products/services/business models available, each business model has its own CSA/PMA analysis process (or equivalently strategy). The reason why there’s perfect overlap between both is because each segment has been developed separately and independently from the other segments in terms of the specific type(s) or value(s) it provides — but those segments are complementary nonetheless because each business model offers something unique or unique combination(s) of those unique value(s). It’s worth understanding some more technical aspects behind how these

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How Can A Man Add Value To A Woman’s Life Fri, 17 Jun 2022 16:50:46 +0000 How Can A Man Add Value To A Woman’s Life A real man knows what it is to be married and to have a family. He knows that life is not all about sex. But he also knows that a woman needs solid financial security, happiness, and support. A real man understands that women need …

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How Can A Man Add Value To A Woman’s Life

A real man knows what it is to be married and to have a family. He knows that life is not all about sex. But he also knows that a woman needs solid financial security, happiness, and support. A real man understands that women need a man who will make them feel special, needed, and loved.

Real men are committed to being responsible for the happiness of women. They are devoted to loving her and making her feel special by providing her with the things she needs in life (like quality time together). They are committed to helping her create a comfortable lifestyle for herself, where she feels safe and secure. It is not enough for him to provide financial security; he must also provide emotional security.

Real men know how important it is to “protect” their partners in their emotional lives as well as in their physical ones (and the way they do this is by being there for her when she needs it). Real men prioritize giving his partner emotional security over physical security: if she doesn’t feel safe at home or at work, he will protect her physically and emotionally until she feels safe again. And he will also help her accomplish these things:

• Provide emotional support

• Help establish a comfortable lifestyle at home

• Helping her achieve whatever goals she has: career goals? hobbies? education? relationships? exercise goals? etc. How can a man add value to a woman’s life? What does it mean to be a real man in this regard? Why do women need real men in this regard? What skills are required of these men in order for them to be effective with them on these levels? And how can we as humans improve our ability to meet these needs as we become more educated about human interactions? When you want an answer, consider whether you have done this kind of thinking before or not, if so — then try out the exercises below! You can get started now with just one exercise: Start thinking about some idea or question you want an answer for… think about it some more… and then start asking yourself questions! You should end up with several different ideas — use whichever ones resonate most with you (e.g., “What does an ideal relationship look like?”) That way you’ll have something useful to work on while continuing your thoughts on love/sex/marriage/sex-related issues!  If your answers aren’t particularly satisfying yet — don’t worry! Just keep working on them! The exercises below may

real man protects his partner physically and emotionally.

A few years ago, a friend of mine told me that he had a way to make his wife feel special. It was simple and it worked every time.

He would go to the gym at 7:00am and stay there until 7:30pm. Then, he would go back home to bed. When I asked him why he would do that, he said that when he went to the gym, it made him feel like a man and helped him gain confidence.

The idea behind this is simple: if you pump iron in the morning and then go home at night, you will be more confident while you are out in public than someone who just walks around with their head down or heads home alone.

What is important is not only being physically fit but also having self-confidence. In other words, being able to say “I’m ready for work!” rather than just “I’m ready for bed.”

In today’s world, money is so important that everyone wants to spend it as soon as possible; so spending on education is more valuable than money spent on entertainment. But if we don’t have self-esteem — if we feel uncomfortable in our own skin — we will do anything we can think of to make ourselves feel better about ourselves even at the expense of others’ feelings or safety (which means they won’t want us around).

This doesn’t mean that being skinny is a good thing or being vain is a bad thing (although these things definitely are) — but if you don’t value yourself then no one else will either. So make sure your partner feels like she has the same value as you do!

man provides financial security for his partner.

The key to good sex is not a man, it’s a woman. A great sex life begins with a woman who is able to feel safe, loved and satisfied. She needs to feel that she has value and that men have respect for her.

The real challenge is making her feel these things, both in the moment and in her daily life. It’s not enough to make love, but you should take care of her physically, emotionally and sexually. You need to make sure she feels valued and that you respect her every move…

Thoughts on how can a man add value to a woman’s life:

If you are just trying to get laid, then yes, there are certain actions you can take to add value. But if you want your relationship with your partner to be more than just sex (and I’m not just talking about sex), then the more time we spend with each other in the here and now, the more we will learn about each other. If we don’t learn something new about each other that can be used as an asset in our relationship over time, then it will be too little too late.

In addition:

A man should never try to fix another person; he should only try to help them grow their own self-worth…

A man can comfort his partner and make her feel safe.

What does a man add to a woman’s life?

A real man protects his partner physically and emotionally. Not that a woman can’t protect and defend herself, but he is there for her anyway. He protects her in different ways, including providing financial security and comforting her and making her feel every bit as important as she deserves to feel.

What does the best thing for you contribute to the well-being of your partner? What is the single best thing you can do for your mate? These are all questions I’ve asked myself in my own relationships, seen from various perspectives. And after trying many things, I’ve found that most of them either wouldn’t do anything for me or did it without much thought.

One of the most important things I’ve discovered is that value isn’t something that exists out there somewhere, but rather something you can create, alone or with others. The guiding principle behind my work is “behavior change” — behavioral change in our own lives so we can make an impact on other people’s lives too — so I’m always looking for people who have something to contribute to the world beyond themselves. When people are truly selfless they are incredibly valuable because they will help others live more fully than they could on their own (and sometimes even more than they would if they had everything).

So where does this leave us? Well, what’s been created has been created by me alone (with many thanks and love), but hopefully this will be some sort of catalyst for something bigger; especially since I still have a lot more work ahead of me:

This work was supported by

A man can be a great listener and offer advice when needed.

In a series of interviews with researchers at the University of Minnesota, women were asked to describe the ways in which they valued different traits in men. The researchers found that what they most valued in a man was his ability to provide financial security:

“Men should be financially secure. Women value financial security above all else.”  “Women are looking for men who can provide for them and their family. They want men who can support them in every way.”  “Women value safe, stable, secure relationships.”  “Women want men who will always be there for her when she needs them.”

The researchers also discovered that a man’s ability to control his emotions was something women valued:

“[A] man should be able to control his emotions and keep them under control. He should not allow himself to get too excited or angry when he notices something good or attractive about another person.”

Finally, the researchers found that women wanted a man who took responsibility for his actions:

“[M]en should be able to take responsibility for their own actions. They need to know that they can rely on others and they need some sense of self-control and self-direction.”

A man can be a great source of support and encouragement.

In the past we’ve written about some things that men can do to make women feel cherished, appreciated and treasured. Here, I want to talk about how a man can add value to a woman’s life.

This is an article from the Huffington Post by a guy who’s been married for 16 years and has been helping women find husbands for over 15 of them. He writes:

“I’ve spent my entire career in the marriage industry, working with thousands of families on how to make their union last. I’ve seen how terrible a lot of marriages are — even the ones you would never think would be bad as long as you see them lying next to each other at night and look at their toothless gums when they kiss.”

I have also seen how terrible a lot of marriages are — even the ones you wouldn’t think would be bad as long as you see them lying next to each other at night and look at their toothless gums when they kiss.”

These are the most common problems that women face in relationships:

“1. They expect too much from men, too soon. The minute they feel like they have enough security — or even just “enough” — should be enough for them to feel secure about their lives right away. This is unrealistic and a recipe for disaster. If you’re not going to put your life on hold until you feel like it’s yours, then there isn’t going to be any point in waiting.”

2) They expect too many things from men – often too fast! Worrying that men won’t take care of her or that she’ll hurt him will cause her heartache and damage her relationship with him on many levels.”

3) They don’t know what they want – or need! Once she has enough security and identity, she needs him more than ever before – which means he needs her more than ever before,”  “4) She expects too much from men – often too fast! Worrying that men won’t take care of her or that she’ll hurt him will cause her heartache and damage her relationship with him on many levels.”  5) They resent being expected/expected/expected … again and again … (and then again). It takes time for couples to learn this lesson: “What did we start out doing? Why did we begin? What was our intention?” And once this truth is realized, it’s very hard for couples not to go back

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How Do Guys Feel When Their Girlfriend Cries Fri, 17 Jun 2022 16:35:13 +0000 I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: “if a woman cries, it’s because she lost her train of thought.” Well, here’s a new twist. If a woman cries while having sex with you, it’s probably because she lost her train of thought too. But don’t worry – this post will solve all your problems. Instead of …

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I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: “if a woman cries, it’s because she lost her train of thought.”

Well, here’s a new twist. If a woman cries while having sex with you, it’s probably because she lost her train of thought too.

But don’t worry – this post will solve all your problems. Instead of wiping tears away with towels or tissues, we’ll make it easy for you to win over women by not making them cry at all.

What makes a guy feel sad when his girlfriend cries?

How do guys feel when their girlfriend cries?

It’s probably a good time to mention that we are using the term “guy” here to refer to men. Women cry too and the difference between men and women is the other way around: women cry for others, but men cry for themselves. Gina, who will be joining us in a minute, has experienced this very thing herself:

This wasn’t something I’d ever done before but after I had my first baby it happened again. I cried for a long time because I felt so alone and scared. That’s one of the reasons why I started The One Thing on Facebook: to help women like me share their stories of painful experiences so they can find strength and support from others who have gone through similar situations.

I didn’t realize how many people would be going through similar things until someone posted a link in our Facebook group and said, “I just started crying after reading your post.”

I think it’s about being able to connect with other people who are also facing these problems. Seeing them can help you get through it yourself, but it’s even more helpful if you can get people who’ve gone through similar things to talk about it with you so that you can stay strong and not let your tears (or any feelings) get out of control.

It was really hard at first finding people who were willing to talk with me because I rarely cry when talking or crying is what gets me down first or takes over my whole body. But now that we have started The One Thing group on Facebook, most of our members use it as an opportunity to ask questions or connect with other members on our site or Facebook page while they are still feeling tired or emotional (or even though they’re ready to give up).

So if there are any guys out there who haven’t tried The One Thing before, check it out! It might be just what you need right now!

Trying to make her happy

Now you’re a guy, how do you feel when your girlfriend cries or swears at you?

Okay. How do you feel when your girlfriend cries?

You’d have to have one of those relationships where she cries when she gets sad, or has a bad day at work, or whatever. You’d have to be able to tell that she’s crying because she’s not happy about something. No, I’m just kidding. What if her tears are honest and sincere and true? What if they’re genuine and genuine expressions of love and sadness? How do guys feel when their girlfriends cry?

I mean, what’s the first emotion that comes to mind?

I guess I’d be feeling sad at the moment. I guess it would be like this:

It could also be like this:

But how do guys feel when their girlfriends cry or swears at them?

That’s really hard to say because they don’t really want anyone to know how they’re feeling–they want people to think they’re strong, tough guys who don’t get emotionally attached or emotionally vulnerable–and yet guys who cry in front of their girlfriends are about as common as bald men with receding hairlines on the internet. I’m guessing that there are some exceptions out there somewhere but for the most part, guys who cry from time-to-time probably aren’t worth talking about. But what about those pictures that women post on Facebook of their boyfriends crying on them when things don’t go their way–you know the ones where one person is sobbing uncontrollably while another person is pretending not to notice and just laughing it off…those are pretty rare too so I doubt any guy would ever bother posting one on Facebook. And if he did post one of these pictures then he wouldn’t even bother putting a caption underneath it–he wouldn’t let his friends see it either so they wouldn’t know how he felt either! This guy didn’t even want his friends to see him cry so he didn’t let them see him cry! That doesn’t make sense! It makes far more sense that he was holding his tears back as much as possible! It makes far less sense that he was hoping nobody would notice because basically nobody cares anyway! That makes no sense at all! Not only does this picture make no sense but this guy’s actions make even less sense too: why would he not let his friends see him cry?! Why would he keep himself anonymous

Letting her cry

This is one of the most asked questions I get, and the answer is pretty simple. The reason it’s asked so much is because it’s a great question — how do guys feel when their girlfriend cries? It’s a loaded question, like all of them are. And because it’s a loaded question, you want to be careful in answering it. There are a lot more complicated ways to answer that question than just saying “I feel sad when my girlfriend cries.”

Don’t go there. Just say “I feel sad when my girlfriend cries and I try to comfort her. There are all kinds of ways I can help her, but they don’t involve crying or hugging her; they involve listening to her talk about her problems and helping her work through them by talking with her about what’s going on with her life and also by being an active listener (something that can be hard for people who have a lot of trouble with that)

When people worry about risk, they think of how being unlucky will negatively impact their life or business (for example, when they bought a car because it was supposed to travel down the road safely). But this isn’t always true; some people don’t mind taking risks at all (e.g., the ones who took risks in their youth), whereas for others risk aversion has become an automatic reaction and takes on the whole “lucky” aspect (e.g., those who take big risks in every aspect of their lives, not just in finance). That’s why I like borrowing from Richard Dyer’s analogy here, where he talks about two types of “risk”: In the first type of “risk”, there’s no expectation of any negative outcome (like losing your job); the only concern is whether you’ll succeed or fail at doing things you’ve set out to accomplish over time. In this case, you’re very lucky if you succeed; even then there’s got nothing special or special circumstance underlying your winnings — it just happens because you’re good at what you do year after year after year… but other people may lose money investing in these stocks/products/experiences etc.; while succeeding might come down

Helping her fix her problems

A few days back, I came across this quote by John C. Maxwell (the author of the 10 Secrets of Success).

I love this quote: “Some men want to be loved for who they are, not for who they appear to be. In other words, some men want their girlfriend to cry for them because then she’ll know he’s been there for her when she needs him.”

I think it would make me feel sad personally. I don’t like to see women cry so I try to do something to make her happy or give her a shoulder to cry on. If a women cried I would let her cry to let it out so she feels better and try to help her fix her problems. But what if your girlfriend doesn’t like that?

What if you feel that your girlfriend is telling you that she doesn’t need or want your help?

What if you’re the one who needs help and your girlfriend just wants to be left alone? She may not even know it but the rules have changed. The rules changed when we started working – not around money or power, but around love and intimacy.

The rules changed when we started having sex – not around cash or power, but around love and intimacy. And the rules changed when we were together in our relationships – not around money or power, but about how much time we spend with each other…how much physical closeness we are able to share…and how much emotional intimacy we are able to share…and how much strong emotional connection we can have…and how much vulnerability we can allow ourselves .  Even more importantly though, the rules changed when all of these relationships started changing – both in who was in them and what made them work . Are you prepared now that you’re also going through this? What do girls do when they cry? When they cry at home, what do guys do? When their girlfriends don’t love them anymore, what do guys do? How will you react when your girlfriend cries at home or at work? Will you call her up and apologize over and over again until she forgives you? Or will you just walk away knowing that everything is going well with no regrets because deep down inside she still loves you?


This is a fairly simple question but I wanted to draw your attention to it.

There are many reasons why guys feel bad when their girlfriends cry; one of the most prominent being that they feel guilty when they have done something wrong. Guys have the tendency to blame themselves for crying and feel that they should be able to console her if she is upset. This can lead to more upset and crying, which leads to more guilt, which leads to more crying… blah blah blah.

This guilt can also manifest in guys feeling embarrassed by the fact that their girlfriend is upset (the female equivalent of “I’m so sorry I am so sorry for bringing you this sad news!”). It can also manifest in guys feeling inadequate or inadequate-ish (“I’m so sorry you could not make it on time because of work, but don’t worry everything will be fine since you are such a great girlfriend and always do your best for me!”) or even worse:

guys feeling sympathetic toward their girlfriend while thinking “You know what? I shouldn’t be doing all this crying because it’s just dragging me down. If only I wasn’t such a good boyfriend!”

In either case, guys should stop blaming themselves and just let her cry on their shoulder. We were once in the same boat with our girlfriends and we know how difficult it can be for women when we are sad or upset. No matter how strong your relationship, no matter how much you love each other, there will always be situations where you will both feel like crying. So why not try to be understanding? If you want her happy, then let her cry on your shoulder when she needs comfort or happiness; just don’t expect that she will get better after every single cry (as our parents did). Instead of being sympathetic towards your girlfriends tears, try being understanding towards hers as well — putting yourself in her shoes — because now you have a chance to understand what made her upset in the first place. Try spending some time with her after crying and see if there might be something deeper going on than complaining about work (which almost everyone has experienced). If there is nothing else going on that warrants an apology afterwards, then tell yourself it’s time for a rest!

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Why Do Guys Melt When A Girl Cries Fri, 17 Jun 2022 16:28:47 +0000 In a study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior, researchers examined the effect of female tears on male brain activity. The study involved 24 men who were asked to sniff tears from an emotional response machine — which emitted a scent of sadness — as they approached a female researcher. The women were all …

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In a study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior, researchers examined the effect of female tears on male brain activity. The study involved 24 men who were asked to sniff tears from an emotional response machine — which emitted a scent of sadness — as they approached a female researcher.

The women were all seated at either side of a computer screen facing the men. The scientists were looking at two sets of data: one set that depicted how often each man’s brain activity changed from neutral to positive when he was sniffing emotion-inducing tears, and the other set that depicted how often his brain activity changed from neutral to negative when he was sniffing emotion-inducing tears.

The researchers found that people’s brains change states in response to varying levels of sadness, but that it takes just a few seconds before their brains resume their normal patterns after sniffing away those tears.

What makes female tears attractive to men?

Why do guys melt when a girl cries? The short answer is: we don’t know. It turns out women can make men’s brains melt too. A new study published in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science found that men who sniffed women’s tears were more sexually aroused than those who didn’t sniff.

In the study, researchers recruited men and women and asked them to take part in a sting operation for the U.S. Defense Department. The men were told to tell undercover agents that they were interested in becoming an intelligence officer for the U.S. Army, and the women recruited were asked to lie about their own sexual practices — which included sniffing other people’s tears — in order to earn extra money for their families while they were undercover, according to a news release from NPR .

The researchers used fMRI brain scans before and after an emotional task consisting of playing a game that required participants to choose one of several options (a man with a mustache or a woman with an inflatable boob) as opposed to simply choosing “no preference.” They also recorded participants’ brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG), which measures electrical activity in the brain, among other ways, during emotional tasks such as crying or laughing at funny or disturbing things, according to NPR .

The results showed that both male and female subjects reacted differently when they smelled female tears versus male tears after undergoing their emotional trials: The male subjects smelled female tears but not male tears; while the female subjects smelled both male and female tears but not female tears after going through their emotional trials, according to NPR .

One of the interesting findings was that there was no effect of gender on either gender-specific reaction (men smelling male versus female tear), but there was an effect of facial type on both genders: Men who looked more masculine (i.e., bearded) sniffed both types of tear better than those with features more feminine (i.e., short hair). This suggests that human males are capable of identifying different types of emotions by looking at different facial features , according to NPR .

The science behind why men are turned on by female tears

Scientists have known for a long time that men are attracted to women who cry. But researchers also have an idea why this is, and it’s not because women are smarter than men.

It’s because the smell of female tears triggers the same chemical changes in men that make other forms of sexuality appear to be more powerful than others, says a new study.

It’s not clear what attracts us to others’ tears and whether it’s in our nature to desire or respond to other people’s distress, but the authors of this study are convinced this is at least part of the reason why: “We found that, indeed, women seem to be very sensitive and easily triggered by crying,” said lead author Maria G. Chaparro-Gonzalez, an associate professor of psychology at Duke University. “But we also found that high levels of testosterone had negative effects on sexual arousal” (and decreased sexual arousal).

In their experiment with 20 healthy men and 20 control participants, Chaparro-Gonzalez and her colleagues measured how much testosterone was released by each participant after being exposed to either female or male tears. Beforehand, half the men were asked to rate their own level of sexual arousal on a seven-point scale from 0 (not at all) to 6 (very much), whereas half were told not to rate their arousal level at all. The other half were told they would be exposed only to male or female tears for about 3 minutes before returning them for testing purposes afterward.

The women who cried did indeed have higher levels of testosterone compared with those who didn’t; however, it wasn’t because they were more attractive — as many prior studies have suggested — but rather because they cried more intensely than the non-crying subjects. For example, subjects who cried exhibited significantly less genitalia withdrawal compared with subjects who didn’t cry (a condition known as “tears aversion”).

In addition, when it came time for the men in the study (at mirroring this information on how they felt toward crying women), they reported being aroused significantly less when they smelled other people’s tears compared with when they smelled male tears’ aromas. This result was true regardless of whether we could identify which gender produced a particular scent: “Men respond sexually differently depending on which gender is producing a particular smell,” Chaparro-Gonzalez said. “The scent alone doesn’t confer any sexual attractiveness.”


The implications of the study

Group hug: happens when a bunch of strangers, including you, come together to comfort someone who is feeling sad or hurt. How people feel about a person in distress can also affect how they react to it. In the latest installment of our series on women and empathy, NPR’s Shankar Vedantam reports on an experiment conducted by researchers at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia.

The researchers asked a group of men to smell tears and then asked them to rate how likely they were to cry in response. They found that participants who smelled women’s tears turned off their empathy.

The study wasn’t just a one-off; the researchers repeated their experiment with 200 other men and again found that those who smelled female tears were less empathetic than men who didn’t smell tears at all.


The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, was conducted by a team from the University of Liverpool in England and is part of an ongoing effort to better understand why humans are attracted to certain smells.

The researchers found that a woman’s tears were highly attractive to men, regardless of their sex. The scientists also found that men’s testosterone levels dropped when they smelled tears and that these drops were most noticeable if a man had not previously engaged in sexual activity with a woman.

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How To Be Feminine With A Man Fri, 17 Jun 2022 16:22:34 +0000 For a man to be more feminine, we must first make the changes in our own consciousness that are necessary to make us more feminine. That is where this book comes in. It will help you to make those changes, and help you become more feminine with a man (and also with your friends). It’s …

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For a man to be more feminine, we must first make the changes in our own consciousness that are necessary to make us more feminine.

That is where this book comes in. It will help you to make those changes, and help you become more feminine with a man (and also with your friends).

It’s a practical guide for men who want to learn how to be more feminine with a woman, and for women who want to learn how to be more feminine with a man. It’s packed full of examples, exercises and tips on how you can do it yourself. And it’s free!

The book is free because it is written by two women. If you’re interested in learning how to be more feminine with a man and become more of who you are deep down inside, this book is for you. I hope it helps you do that too!

The benefits of being more feminine

Being more feminine is important for women in both a sexual and a professional sense.

Being more feminine can make you more attractive as a woman, and, in turn, more attractive to men. Being feminine makes you feel alive, and makes you feel more of who you are deep down inside.

Embodied feminine energy is created from the inside out, and for a woman to be more feminine, she must prioritise what goes on the inside over what goes on the outside. Being outwardly soft or gentle does not mean that she doesn’t have an inner fire that burns hot; it simply means she has put her inner light where it needs to burn brightest.

How to become more feminine

How to become more feminine and soft can make you more attractive as a woman.

Not only that, it allows you to feel more alive, and become more of who you are deep down inside.

Embodied feminine energy is created from the inside out, and for a woman to be more feminine, she must prioritise what goes on her mind.

This is where the dominant image of femininity needs to come from: that of an embodied female human being. When this is not the case, femininity becomes a superficial luxury and the image is sown around men in order to give them power over women. So while it seems like a step backwards, it’s actually equivalent to standing in front of your mirror and saying: “I look like such a girl!”

What if instead people were saying: “I look like such a man!”? A man would be able to express his masculinity on his own terms without needing help from anyone else. He could embrace his inner masculine energy without constantly seeing women as inferior or insignificant; he wouldn’t need to pander or adopt some kind of ‘manly’ idea about how he should be; he wouldn’t need other people telling him what he should want or want him to get (such as an unrealistic idea of making their life easier by focusing on things that make them look better). He could just find what he already already knows ‘thinks’ is right for him—which means being masculine—and starting there will simply turn out being what men have always known themselves—that they are masculine. And if they don’t know that now, then they will eventually realise it—which will either allow them some freedom with their own lives, or takes away their power over women by making them feel inferior. This isn’t something we can change overnight; but if we wish to change the way we view ourselves and others, then changing our perspectives on masculinity alone isn’t enough—we must also change our values about how we treat each other in both private and public spaces. If you want more information about how this works for women here are two articles I wrote about this topic which are written by experts who know what they’re talking about . If you’re interested in learning more about masculinity here’s another article . There’s also a book called ‘The Myth of Masculinity’ which explains everything I’ve said above in much greater detail

Tips for being more feminine with a man

*Be a good listener. This can be one of the most difficult things for men to do, especially if they are doing it out of fear or not fully understanding the basics of being a good listener.

Do not assume that it is your woman’s job to listen. If she does not have the ear of her man, then she has earned the right to interrupt, and you need to respect that. She also needs to be able to tell you when she wants a break as well.

*Express yourself with confidence, even when you feel uncomfortable expressing yourself. If she doesn’t appear to want to hear what you have to say, don’t assume she doesn’t want you there or that she is uninterested in what you have to say. Just simply don’t be afraid to speak up and let your feelings show through in your voice, body language and facial expressions.

*Be honest with her about how you feel about her, too (i.e., how certain emotions affect her). But remember: it’s okay for her not to like everything about herself (she may even be glad about that), but there is no reason for her not liking something that makes you happy or makes her feel comfortable (i.e., if she says something doesn’t make her uncomfortable but it’s making you uncomfortable). Don’t try and force an emotional connection if she isn’t ready for it; just express your feelings openly without trying too hard and letting your boundaries blur from time-to-time so that things will become more comfortable for both of you down the road (a very common occurrence when people are first starting out though!).

*Show interest in what other people are interested in – this means listening intently while they talk while they listen intently while they talk – and changing the subject back every now and then so that they’re both learning new things simultaneously. This allows them both time and space for their own thoughts without getting frustrated by each other’s constant interruptions (this is especially important with men). Also consider using this technique when talking about work projects – let them know how much effort goes into them upfront so they can get paid attention to their own process instead of focusing on yours!

*Enjoy being vulnerable with each other – never hold anything back from another person; no matter how uncomfortable it might make them feel or how much discomfort this causes others around them, keep going until your heart stops pounding after every time someone talks about their fears/goals/struggles

The importance of feeling alive and feminine

For a woman to be more feminine, she must prioritise what goes on inside her.

The first thing a woman needs to do is to feel more alive and feminine. At the core of it, this means being in touch with her own inner feminine energy and experiencing life in a way that allows her to feel strong and confident, despite the world outside.

It is not enough for women to try to look beautiful. We need to feel beautiful too.

So, not only will you have better looking skin; you will also have access to the power of your own inner beauty and inner power.

Below are some tips on how you can make yourself feel more feminine:

1) Be kinder than necessary – if someone does something nice for you, just smile and say thank you. This will keep your self esteem high and make you feel like you can bounce back from any situation .  2) Be prepared – If someone asks you for something just make sure it isn’t going to be difficult or expensive. Being prepared will make you feel smart! 3) Give yourself permission – allow yourself some time out of your life each day where there are no demands on you or other people (even if it’s just a little bit). This is a great way of preparing yourself for the future and keeping your self esteem high! 4) Spend time with people who make you happy – don’t be afraid of spending time with other people who make you happy because they turn out to be exactly what makes us happy inside! 5) Do things that give excitement – don’t always go everywhere at the same time because this means nothing exciting will happen (unless it does!). Instead, spend time doing things that give excitement; such as gardening and cooking! 6) Take care of yourself – showering twice a day is great because it keeps your self esteem high and gives excitement! 7) Take care of others – take baths, exercise regularly, eat healthy food etc., so that when others ask for something from you their needs are met first before their own. 8) Laugh at yourself in front of others – instead of trying to do everything perfectly all the time, laugh at yourself when everyone else is trying hard all the time towards getting everything right all the time! 9) Minimize distractions – avoid emailing long emails every 15 minutes because this means nothing exciting will happen (even when it does!). 10) Practice gratitude – practice saying “thank-


As a man, we are told that being masculine is the only way to be a successful man in today’s world. We are also told that we have to be “strong”, “assertive” and “competitive”. Is it true?

Have you ever met someone who was feminine?

Are you the kind of person who has been told that being feminine is the only way to be feminine?

What do you do if you don’t fit into this definition of manliness? How can you create more masculine energy in yourself?

The first step is to question whether or not your definition of masculinity is really accurate. The second step is to make sure that as a person, you are feeling more feminine. The third step is to choose what tools will allow you to create more feminine energy in yourself so that as a woman, you want to feel more feminine in order for your own energy to become more embodied and thus embodying feminine energy.

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