How To Be Feminine With A Man

For a man to be more feminine, we must first make the changes in our own consciousness that are necessary to make us more feminine.

That is where this book comes in. It will help you to make those changes, and help you become more feminine with a man (and also with your friends).

It’s a practical guide for men who want to learn how to be more feminine with a woman, and for women who want to learn how to be more feminine with a man. It’s packed full of examples, exercises and tips on how you can do it yourself. And it’s free!

The book is free because it is written by two women. If you’re interested in learning how to be more feminine with a man and become more of who you are deep down inside, this book is for you. I hope it helps you do that too!

The benefits of being more feminine

Being more feminine is important for women in both a sexual and a professional sense.

Being more feminine can make you more attractive as a woman, and, in turn, more attractive to men. Being feminine makes you feel alive, and makes you feel more of who you are deep down inside.

Embodied feminine energy is created from the inside out, and for a woman to be more feminine, she must prioritise what goes on the inside over what goes on the outside. Being outwardly soft or gentle does not mean that she doesn’t have an inner fire that burns hot; it simply means she has put her inner light where it needs to burn brightest.

How to become more feminine

How to become more feminine and soft can make you more attractive as a woman.

Not only that, it allows you to feel more alive, and become more of who you are deep down inside.

Embodied feminine energy is created from the inside out, and for a woman to be more feminine, she must prioritise what goes on her mind.

This is where the dominant image of femininity needs to come from: that of an embodied female human being. When this is not the case, femininity becomes a superficial luxury and the image is sown around men in order to give them power over women. So while it seems like a step backwards, it’s actually equivalent to standing in front of your mirror and saying: “I look like such a girl!”

What if instead people were saying: “I look like such a man!”? A man would be able to express his masculinity on his own terms without needing help from anyone else. He could embrace his inner masculine energy without constantly seeing women as inferior or insignificant; he wouldn’t need to pander or adopt some kind of ‘manly’ idea about how he should be; he wouldn’t need other people telling him what he should want or want him to get (such as an unrealistic idea of making their life easier by focusing on things that make them look better). He could just find what he already already knows ‘thinks’ is right for him—which means being masculine—and starting there will simply turn out being what men have always known themselves—that they are masculine. And if they don’t know that now, then they will eventually realise it—which will either allow them some freedom with their own lives, or takes away their power over women by making them feel inferior. This isn’t something we can change overnight; but if we wish to change the way we view ourselves and others, then changing our perspectives on masculinity alone isn’t enough—we must also change our values about how we treat each other in both private and public spaces. If you want more information about how this works for women here are two articles I wrote about this topic which are written by experts who know what they’re talking about . If you’re interested in learning more about masculinity here’s another article . There’s also a book called ‘The Myth of Masculinity’ which explains everything I’ve said above in much greater detail

Tips for being more feminine with a man

*Be a good listener. This can be one of the most difficult things for men to do, especially if they are doing it out of fear or not fully understanding the basics of being a good listener.

Do not assume that it is your woman’s job to listen. If she does not have the ear of her man, then she has earned the right to interrupt, and you need to respect that. She also needs to be able to tell you when she wants a break as well.

*Express yourself with confidence, even when you feel uncomfortable expressing yourself. If she doesn’t appear to want to hear what you have to say, don’t assume she doesn’t want you there or that she is uninterested in what you have to say. Just simply don’t be afraid to speak up and let your feelings show through in your voice, body language and facial expressions.

*Be honest with her about how you feel about her, too (i.e., how certain emotions affect her). But remember: it’s okay for her not to like everything about herself (she may even be glad about that), but there is no reason for her not liking something that makes you happy or makes her feel comfortable (i.e., if she says something doesn’t make her uncomfortable but it’s making you uncomfortable). Don’t try and force an emotional connection if she isn’t ready for it; just express your feelings openly without trying too hard and letting your boundaries blur from time-to-time so that things will become more comfortable for both of you down the road (a very common occurrence when people are first starting out though!).

*Show interest in what other people are interested in – this means listening intently while they talk while they listen intently while they talk – and changing the subject back every now and then so that they’re both learning new things simultaneously. This allows them both time and space for their own thoughts without getting frustrated by each other’s constant interruptions (this is especially important with men). Also consider using this technique when talking about work projects – let them know how much effort goes into them upfront so they can get paid attention to their own process instead of focusing on yours!

*Enjoy being vulnerable with each other – never hold anything back from another person; no matter how uncomfortable it might make them feel or how much discomfort this causes others around them, keep going until your heart stops pounding after every time someone talks about their fears/goals/struggles

The importance of feeling alive and feminine

For a woman to be more feminine, she must prioritise what goes on inside her.

The first thing a woman needs to do is to feel more alive and feminine. At the core of it, this means being in touch with her own inner feminine energy and experiencing life in a way that allows her to feel strong and confident, despite the world outside.

It is not enough for women to try to look beautiful. We need to feel beautiful too.

So, not only will you have better looking skin; you will also have access to the power of your own inner beauty and inner power.

Below are some tips on how you can make yourself feel more feminine:

1) Be kinder than necessary – if someone does something nice for you, just smile and say thank you. This will keep your self esteem high and make you feel like you can bounce back from any situation .  2) Be prepared – If someone asks you for something just make sure it isn’t going to be difficult or expensive. Being prepared will make you feel smart! 3) Give yourself permission – allow yourself some time out of your life each day where there are no demands on you or other people (even if it’s just a little bit). This is a great way of preparing yourself for the future and keeping your self esteem high! 4) Spend time with people who make you happy – don’t be afraid of spending time with other people who make you happy because they turn out to be exactly what makes us happy inside! 5) Do things that give excitement – don’t always go everywhere at the same time because this means nothing exciting will happen (unless it does!). Instead, spend time doing things that give excitement; such as gardening and cooking! 6) Take care of yourself – showering twice a day is great because it keeps your self esteem high and gives excitement! 7) Take care of others – take baths, exercise regularly, eat healthy food etc., so that when others ask for something from you their needs are met first before their own. 8) Laugh at yourself in front of others – instead of trying to do everything perfectly all the time, laugh at yourself when everyone else is trying hard all the time towards getting everything right all the time! 9) Minimize distractions – avoid emailing long emails every 15 minutes because this means nothing exciting will happen (even when it does!). 10) Practice gratitude – practice saying “thank-


As a man, we are told that being masculine is the only way to be a successful man in today’s world. We are also told that we have to be “strong”, “assertive” and “competitive”. Is it true?

Have you ever met someone who was feminine?

Are you the kind of person who has been told that being feminine is the only way to be feminine?

What do you do if you don’t fit into this definition of manliness? How can you create more masculine energy in yourself?

The first step is to question whether or not your definition of masculinity is really accurate. The second step is to make sure that as a person, you are feeling more feminine. The third step is to choose what tools will allow you to create more feminine energy in yourself so that as a woman, you want to feel more feminine in order for your own energy to become more embodied and thus embodying feminine energy.

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